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  • UzbekistanAssetReturn


Updated: Aug 28, 2022

The proceeds of Karimova’s corrupt telecoms dealings (detailed in full in the Swiss and United States update sections) were laundered through various offshore companies, and properties around the globe. The US civil complaint In Rem (case no. 15-cv-05063), for example, froze US $300,000,000 assets in accounts registered in Belgium, Ireland and Luxembourg. The civil complaint document states that assets gained from the corrupt dealings were held at the Bank of New York Mellon Investment Servicing (International), Ireland. The assets are valued at between US $114,000,000 and US $300,000,000. So far US$5.83 million has been seized as a result of US In Rem proceedings (15-cv-05063 & 1:16-cv-01257).


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